

留學、移民、商務 為一體,因為專業,所以放心!


澳洲八校聯盟(英語:Group of Eight,縮寫Go8),又稱澳洲八大名校,是澳大利亞歷史悠久、享譽國際的八所頂尖研究型綜合性大學,被普遍公認為是澳大利亞版的常春藤聯盟,在南半球與環太平洋地區始終位居領導地位,更享有澳洲政府將近七成的教育和研究預算。聯盟總部設在澳洲首都特區坎培拉。除了豐碩的研究成果與一流的科研人才,澳洲八大盟校的龐大學術資源,對於政治及經濟等各個領域的卓越貢獻,同樣影響力深遠,不僅在全球各地政商界的傑出校友眾多,亦曾培育出多名諾貝爾獎得主。

  • 澳洲八大名校主導全澳洲約七成的研究計畫,所進行的研究計畫,高達九成六獲得美國專利。
  • 澳洲的學術研究引文,約有八成來自澳洲八大名校發表。
  • 孕育諾貝爾獎得主的搖籃,澳洲全部十餘名的諾貝爾獎得主,皆出自澳洲八大名校。
  • 澳洲超過一半的國家教學獎都授予給了八校聯盟大學,師生比亦遠優於一般大學。。
  • 八校聯盟大學培養出的畢業生往往能夠更快找到全職工作,起薪更高,並且繼續深造的可能性更大。
  • 八校聯盟成員大學是諸多享有盛譽的國際型大學聯盟的成員,其中包括:國際研究型大學聯盟(IARU)、環太平洋大學聯盟(APRU)、Universitas 21,以及Worldwide Universities Network。
  • 近八成五的澳大利亞國家政府部門首長是八校聯盟大學的校友,其中包括澳大利亞現任國家總理,副總理以及研究與創新部部長等。


Our Service

  1. We provide the link between international students and the education providers whom we are representing.
  2. Presenting true and accurate, as well as up to date information about education providers whom we are representing so that the international student can make a well-informed decision on their academic and career choice and realizing their ambition and dream of their future
  3. We provide service for international students including assistance with a visa application, pre-departure information, airport reception and arrangement of accommodation and guardianship as required.


Austar International Aims Group is an Australian company providing educational advisory services to international students to further their studies in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Canada and USA.

Our main office is in Sydney, Australia and we have a branch offices and partners in Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and Guangzhou of China.

We have an English School in Beijing providing an IELTS Course to Chinese students who have intention to study in Australia and other English speaking countries in the future.

We also organize short term English study tours for educational institutions in China.